Friday, November 6, 2009

the stinging disappointment

i give 2 stars for Jennifer's Body!

because Megan is a total blunt in it,
she's kinky BUT she keeps puking oils and oils and more disgusting oils~~~
she's a devil who can flies but we can even see there's a string attached to her. (??)
she thinks Adam Brody's hair looks cool (she said it like freaking 4,5 times)
the boys love her,
but she eats boys to live, (go go go Megan!)
and she's still a virgin.

i think Vampire Diaries and Buffy that Vampire Slayer girl,are far more good than this.
(and i dont think it's fair to compare it with Twilight boohoo!)

plus,i can't tell to laugh,cry,scared or barf.
the story line is all over the place!
and it seems to me,it is like a semi-porn movie. (!!)
kids,go home!
(i think that Amanda Seyfried is the only thing that makes it watch-able.
oh and the thru the trees song.love it! XD )

i must say,
this is probably the biggest flunk,okeyh fine,the most suck-est movie of 2009.
well,since street fighter: the legend of chun-li.
that sucks too.

from now on,
i want to watch that Odette Yustman more than Megan!
she is sooooo pretty. :)
i mean,just look at the pretty-her!


on the 2nd thought,
Megan still paling cantik. XD

watch it,forget it,move on.

2 miahaha~:

Shar said...

street fighter best la..aku br tgk 4hr lepas..best jek..

~kooala~ said...

xbesh la...
x menepati citarasa movie goer~~
cube bygkn kn eyh,
ko drve jao2 gi ipow,
cr parking lagi,
ko beratur plak pjg2 nk bli tiket,
tggu lame utk seat release,
beli popcorn mhl2,
da duduk dlm air-cond sejok2,
skali movie xbesh...
ptt ke xptt tu?
hehehe fkr la sndri...