Monday, November 2, 2009

the twilight barbies

i want to buy this!
where can i get it?
LOL :))

extracted from People magazine:
As a tribute to the on-screen lovers, Barbie has created a set of dolls modeled after Robert Pattinson's Edward Cullen and Kristen Stewart's Bella Swan. Featuring Robert's strong jaw line and vampire-glow and Kristen's long brunette hair and innocent face, the dolls are almost an exact replica of the stars. Looks like Bella's wish for immortality is finally coming true!

(beware: spoil alert!)
Bella's "wish for immortality"? i dont think it is exist and is made up.in the book,it will eventually coming true!
just check on book #3 Eclipse!

anyway,i still want it!haha :D
[cute or not?]

[ this one is collectable figure for New Moon ]

just to make it clear,
i noticed that this figure is 'dikecam hebat dalam internet'
nak kena tulis dalam melayu supaya mat saleh tu semua xfaham.
dieorg ni semua benda nak kritik, nak judge, nak bising2, nak kutuk2.
gosh this makes me annoyed.
why cant people stop being negative?haha


2 miahaha~:

Shar said...

ada jual ke?mcm tk pnh nampak pon? jgn berangan la..dh tua bangka tu..wahaha..

~kooala~ said...

hati ini masih muda! :D
6April nak dkt da~~~~