Sunday, October 25, 2009

the miracle happens

Moscow - Quotations from Quran start appearing on the body of a baby of a 9 month boy named Ali from Kizlyar, Dagestan, his parents claim.

One of the baby's legs has an inscription, "ALLAH is the creator of all things."
Words similar to birthmarks show up on his shank and ankle (on Monday and Friday) and then disappear.
When new inscriptions are appearing,Ali (bukan pak ali towkey cafe v4 tu ok.LOL) doesnt sleep all night long and has high temperature and even strong drugs cannot send it off.
The local TV reported that Ali was diagnosed with some sort of heart disease + infantile celebral paralysis (google it,i dont even know what that means)
but when inexplicable things happening, he was examined and found healthy.

Allahu Akbar!

article from www.abna.ir~

0 miahaha~: